If you do not have an account on the Tokero Crypto Exchange platform, please visit this page in order to see how to create one.
To make a payment from Revolut you need to follow these steps:
1 After logging in to the Tokero site, go to the My Account - Deposit section: Go to the My Account - Deposit section:

2 Select Deposit EUR. Here is the information for the bank transfer. You will use this information when you will reach step 5:

3 Open the Revolut app on your phone and select [Payments] from the bottom menu:

4 Click the [→ Send] button:

5 Click the [+ New] button and then [Add a bank recipient] (Business).

In this form you will add the information from step 2. After making sure that the information you entered is correct, select [Add recipient] to continue.
6 To make a payment to the Tokero platform write down the amount you want to deposit, the 8-character code you find on the Tokero platform deposit page and then click the [Continue] button in the menu below: