How to unstake and transfer EGLD from xPortal to TOKERO


If you do not have an account on the TOKERO Crypto Exchange platform, please visit this page to see how you can create one.

To unstake EGLD tokens from xPortal and transfer them to TOKERO, follow these steps:

1 Open the xPortal app on your phone and press "Earn".
2 Press "Unstake" and choose the staking agency (in this example MGStaking).
3 Type the amount of EGLD you wish to withdraw and press "Continue".
4 Check the box indicating that you understand the funds will be available for withdrawal in 10 days and press "Unstake" to continue.
5 The EGLD quantity is now in the unstake process and you will be able to withdraw it in 10 days.
6 When funds are available, go to deposit funds page, after you have logged into your TOKERO account. When funds are available, go to TOKERO deposit funds page.
7 Press "Deposit FIAT by payment order" or "Deposit" in the bottom left corner.
8 Press "Deposit EGLD".
9 Click on the "Yes, I acknowledge" button to accept responsibility if you make a transfer to an address you misspelled or on the wrong blockchain, and then copy the deposit address to the EGLD. You will use this information when you reach step 12.
10 Open the xPortal application and press "Send".
11 Type the amount you wish to withdraw and press 'Continue'.
12 Enter the TOKERO wallet address for your EGLD deposit.
13 Press "Send".
14 After your confirmation, the amount of EGLD transferred to the TOKERO platform will appear in the "My funds - balances" / "Wallet"page.

Note: This is the updated version of the tutorial, after the change of Elrond into MultiversX.

Create a new account

Secure passwords must include:

  • Both lowercase and UPPERCASE letters
  • 1 or more digits
  • + some form of special sign
  • and must be > 8 characters long