How to transfer USDT from TOKERO to Binance

How to exchange EURO with USDT on the Tokero platform :

1 Access the Exchange section after logging into your account:
2 Tap Buy button for the cryptocurrency you want to buy (Tether USDT):
3 Type the amount you want to spend and then select [Buy Tether]:
4 Tap the [Confirm and execute exchange] button:
At this time, the amount of Tether (USDT) purchased will be found in My funds - balances section:

How to transfer USDT from Tokero to Binance

1 Open the Binance app on your phone and select [Wallets] from the bottom menu and then [Deposit] [Crypto]:
2 Choose USDT from the list of cryptocurrencies:
3 Copy the wallet address for USDT deposit. This will be inserted in the [Destination Address] section on the Tokero platform (needed at step 6).
4 Open the Tokero app and access the My Account - Withdraw section after logging in.
5 Tap the [Withdraw USDT] button:
6 Insert the wallet address for the USDT deposit into the [Destination address] field, insert into the [Amount to transfer] field the amount of USDT you wish to transfer, tick the "I agree to pay the blockchain fee" checkbox and tap the [Execute withdrawal] button to continue:
7 Check the Inbox / Spam section of your email to confirm the withdrawal. The transfer will be made after your confirmation.

The amount transferred to the Binance platform will be found in the [Wallets] section.

Create a new account

Secure passwords must include:

  • Both lowercase and UPPERCASE letters
  • 1 or more digits
  • + some form of special sign
  • and must be > 8 characters long