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Rate attuali di scambio a INFRA

Si carica...
In TOKERO, la nostra missione è rendere le criptovalute accessibili a tutti in modo semplice, veloce e sicuro.

What is Bware?

Bware Labs is an infrastructure company aiming to power Web3 development and become the next public cloud for blockchain products.

From decentralized blockchain API access provided through Blast , to professional staking, snapshot services, appchain development and many others, Bware Labs is a one-stop-shop solution provider addressing all Web3 builders.

They are backed by notorious VC funds, such as Blizzard (Avalanche Investment Fund), Spartan Group, Hypersphere, Morningstar Ventures, Figment, Woodstock, Ascensive Assets, and many others.

The company is based in Bucharest, Romania, and their team size is 52 people mostly located in Bucharest, with members in Cluj-Napoca, Tokyo, Bangkok, and Amsterdam.

Bware Products:

  1. Blast API
    • Premium APIs - 28 blockchains, 45B API calls/month, 100+ enterprise clients
    • Decentralized API platform - over 60 third-party institutional providers are participating in the protocol cumulatively running 189 staking pools.
  2. Professional Staking Services
  3. Govscan
    • Blockchain Governance Platform
    • 10 networks integrated
  4. Bridge Operator
    • Their exceptional performance in reliability and security has led to remarkable partnerships with some of the leading bridge solutions in the industry.
  5. Faucets
  6. Snapshots

$INFRA utility

INFRA provides the base for Blast's staking and delegation mechanism, described in detail here.

With the main role of incentivizing node operators, the $INFRA token will allow Blast to achieve decentralization and become permissionless. The only factors required to join Blast Protocol as a company or individual professional are performance, reliability, and security.

INFRA will incentivize running blockchain nodes on all Blast supported networks, reallocate unused server resources to reduce Web3 energy consumption, decrease infrastructure costs for Blast users, and foster blockchain technology mass adoption.



What is the Supply release schedule for $INFRA

The maximum supply of this token is capped at 100,000,000 and is expected to be fully vested by May 2028, under the following schedule:

Token Supply & Metrics

What are the funding rounds for Bware (INFRA)?

  • Seed Round - $1,000,000 was raised on May 21st, 2021, funded by Ascensive Assets, Spartan Group, Ava Labs, Morningstar Ventures, GBV, Waterdrip Capital, and Vendetta Capital at the price of $0.07 per $INFRA token.
  • Series A - $6,000,000 was raised on February 22nd, 2022, funded by Hypersphere Ventures, Blizzard, Infinity Ventures Crypto, Woodstock, Figment, Axia8, Coingecko Ventures, Nexo, Connext, Kosmos Ventures, Spartan Group, Nabais Capital, AVentures DAO, Subsquid and Stakeborg with an average price of $0.5 per $INFRA token.


Bware successfully secured partnerships and worked closely with leading projects in the industry: Aptos, MultiversX, Avalanche, Polygon, Moonbeam, and many others.


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  • Sia lettere minuscole che maiuscole
  • 1 o più cifre
  • + un simbolo speciale
  • e ha > 8 caratteri lunghezza

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