Surprise your partner on love's month!

Postato da Dorina Ochișor,

Tradotto da Elena-Octavia Mateescu

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Make your beloved feel as the most important investment in your life!

It's time for special gifts that match the 2022 trends. May this love's month be memorable for you both. Read the full article and discover some gift ideas for the person you love.


2021 was about change, innovation, development and spectacular growth. Blockchain and crypto are embracing more and more fields, such as art, fashion, e-commerce, music. If your partner is passionate about one of the above-mentioned fields, gift them an NFT for Valentine's Day. Fashion NFTs are expected to be the next evolutionary step. Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, Dolce & Gabbana have entered the crypto space and already have their own NFT collections.


Surprising our partners when it comes to gifts is becoming increasingly difficult. Think it would be easier to gift money? You're right, but choose something different and special. Cryptocurrencies - the perfect choice for partners who are passionate about crypto. Your loved one will surely appreciate this gift.

Customised crypto clothing

Sweatshirts, t-shirts or maybe even socks with Bitcoin, Blockchain or other cryptocurrencies. It's akin to going to the mall to buy your lover regular clothes. By customizing your clothes with crypto elements, you'll make your partner feel good because you take their interests and passions into account. Loving means paying attention to details and thinking about the other person, what gift they would like to receive. We are different and our wishes are different. Keep them in mind!


Listen to your partner, so you will know their interests and desires. Among other topics, maybe he mentioned what books he has on his wishlist. If after a hard day's work your partner relaxes by reading, then books are a great idea. The crypto field and blockchain technology are very complex, you can find dozens of good books on various topics, technical, economical, and historical. Unleash your creativity and pleasantly surprise the person you love.

Information/development courses

With everything developing and changing at the speed of light, gifts need to be not only pleasant, but also useful. Continuous self-development is the key to success and fulfilment. Choose a course that you think suits your loved one and give them not only your love, but also the opportunity to grow, learn new things and be informed.

Keep in mind that love it's not only twice a year, on Valentine's Day and Dragobete. Tokero encourages you to love each other every day to the fullest and to be there for each other, to support each other through difficult times and to enjoy success together. A relationship is about working together as a couple, about collaboration, about making things work the way you want them to. It's just like the crypto market - volatile. Don't give up on the first bearish in the relationship. Every fall is followed by a rise, a spectacular one. The important thing is to be patient and believe in each other and in everything you do together.